Space map
If you hear the word space map, I bet you think of q3dm17 or q3tourney6. But what's the speciality about those maps?

Mainly they are opened to all sides, but you could also define a map including indoor plus outdoor parts as a space map. The main reason why they are called space maps is, that you can fall down into the sky and die immediately. What happens when you fall into death?
You hear a screaming sound of your model, all the powerups are getting removed, you die and finally the weapons fall through the sky (gibs keep lying around).
Load the tutorial map from this pk3 file (don't forget to add the name of the shader file in your shaderlist):
- spacetut.pk3 (5.51 mb)
You will see some kind of floating rock with grass on it.
Add a trigger_multiple in the middle of the flying thing and connect it to a target_speaker. As sound file define an individual effect and tick activator (also see individual sound effect tutorial link):

Now go down some units, create a new trigger_multiple and connect it with a target_remove_powerups.

Adding a trigger_hurt with a "dmg" value of "9999" right beneath the remove-powerup-trigger will let the player die. Also check "no_protection" and "silent". The player now really gets hurt, in case he falls through the remover-trigger too fast and doesn't get removed the powerups by accident. Silent deactivates the sizzling sound.

For the last step create a new brush and place it directly above the bottom sky brush and put a common/nodrop texture onto it.

Note: Don't place the skybox too close to the map geometry or the player is able to jump against it. Looks strange if the player suddenly stops flying in the air and it destroys the feeling of wide opened space.